Liberty Ranch FFA
CDE's (Career Development Events) are opportunities for students to gain skills and work as a team. As the National FFA website states, "These events are designed to help a member prepare for a career in agriculture by testing and challenging the student's technical, leadership, interpersonal and teamwork skills as well as their knowledge of the subject matter". The Liberty Ranch Agriculture Department offers the following CDE teams:
Agriculture Welding, Mr. Dodson
Creed Speaking, Mrs. Codog
Agriculture Sales, Ms. Foster
Floriculture, Mrs. Garner
Impromptu Public Speaking, Ms. Thompson
Job Interview, Ms. Foster
Parliamentary Procedure and Debate, Mr. Dodson, Ms. Foster and Ms. Thompson
Prepared Public Speaking, Mrs. Garner
Food Science, Mrs. Giannone
Ag. Communications, Ms. Thompson
Poultry Judging, Mrs. Codog
Veterinary Science, Ms. Thompson
Agriculture Mechanics, Mr. Van Vleck