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2022 Farm to Fork Dinner

At the Farm to Fork dinner 20 of our members and 20 of Galt highs members helped serve members of our community. This event was put on by Galt Ag boosters, they help fund many of our and Galt FFA’s events throughout the year.

2022 Fall Ag Day

On September 30th, we had third graders from local elementary schools come to our annual Fall Ag Day. In this picture, you can see the Ag Leadership students and their partners getting things ready to teach the third graders. They are also rehearsing what they are going to teach to the kids before the third graders get to the stations.

Opening and Closing Team

Seven teams from the LR FFA participated in the opening and closing competitions for the Sacramento Section on October 6. Out of the 43 FFA members that competed, 15 received outstanding individual awards, and all 7 teams were ranked "gold".

2022 National Covention

On October 26th – 30th 10 members competed at Nationals on both the Food science team and the Avanced Parliamentary Procedure team, while we had an additional 9 members that attended enjoyed what the convention had to offer, at the 95th Annual National FFA Leadership Convention in Indianapolis.

2021-2022 Advanced Parliamentary Procedure Team

Our Advanced Parliamentary Procedure Team represented the state of California in Indianapolis during National Convention. The team qualified for Semi-Finals earning them a gold ranking and placing top 12 in the nation! Congratulations to Seth Abbot and Eduardo Mendoza for earning perfect test scores, and Chairman, Alex Castro for earning Outstanding President. We are so proud of all the six members for making it so far in the contest!

2021-2022 Food Science Team

At the 95th National FFA Convention, our Food Science team represented the state of California. They placed 10Th in the nation, earning them a ticket to the IPPE Conference in Atlanta, Georgia. We are so proud of the four members for making it so far! Members: Arianna Sandoval, Jori Frame, Jill Van Steyn, and Adriana Contreras.

On Saturday, December 3rd, 16 Liberty Ranch FFA members attended and competed at the Invitational Speaking Contest. Congratulations to Eddy Mendoza for placing third in Job Interview, Peyton Deuel for placing fifth in Impromptu, and Bailey Alcoriza for placing fifth in Creed speaking! We are so proud of everyone who competed.

2022 Greenhand Leadership Conference

40 first year members attended the Greenhand Conference on October 4th at Lodi.

MFE and ALA Conference

On January 13-14, 27 of our members went to MFE and ALA with the state officers in Sacramento. Our members learned many leadership skills that they can implement back into the chapter.


12945 Marengo Road

Galt, CA   95632


(209) 744-4250


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